How to Make Organic Ghee (clarified butter)

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

What is Ghee?

Ghee is a traditional Indian, South East Asian and Middle Eastern food that originates from the Indian Subcontinent. It is key in Ayurvedic cooking.  Ghee is butter that is clarified until the milk solids are browned are removed. The browning of the milk solids allows for a more nuttier flavor profile. 

Nutritional Benefits:

Ghee pacifies vata and pitta, while increasing kapha. It nourished the rasa (lymph), shukra (semen), and ojas (essense of seven tissues). It nourishes skin, soothes throat, and strengthens memory. It also helps in increasing immunity and digestion.


Organic Ghee Recipe Card.png

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