Explore natural cleansing and rejuvenating therapies.

Panchakarma Therapies

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Joint Basti

This is a form of Ayurvedic therapy that is very beneficial for those suffering from joint discomfort, pain, immobility, osteoarthritis etc. A handmade dough dam is placed on a joint. Warm herbalized oil tailored to the health problem is poured in the dam and held for about 30-45 minutes. It is a great treatment for athletes, runners, bike riders, hikers, and the aging body or anyone with prolonged joint issues.

One of the following options can be selected per session: Janu basti (knee therapy), Kati basti (low back therapy), or Greeva basti (neck therapy)

45 mins |  $90  

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A combination of a deep head/neck/shoulder massage followed by deep inhalation of therapeutic aromatic steam, and nasya with herbalized nasal drops. This therapy is effective in balancing most head, neck and respiratory disorders such as sinusitis, allergies, sinus congestion, headaches, snoring, neck pain and stiffness. Special herbalized oils tailored for individual imbalances inhaled through the nose, help clear the sinuses of excessive mucus and balance doshas. It is also an important therapy for healing the health issues related to central nervous system.

30 mins |  $60 

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Pinda Sweda

Pinda Sweda is a specialized, luxurious deep nourishing treatment that is performed with rice cooked in milk and herbs that are massaged into the tissues and joints. The treatment is deeply relaxing, rejuvenating, and powerfully detoxifying. It is a combination of oil massage and heat therapy. It is beneficial for aching joints and muscles commonly associated with arthritic conditions, back pain, muscle stiffness, multiple sclerosis, muscle weakness, paralysis, and degenerative health conditions.

60 mins |  $130  

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A combination of a deep head/neck/shoulder massage followed by administering herbal oil in the external ear canal. This treatment is very effective in clogged ears, hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo and many other ear diseases.

30 mins |  $60 

Netra Basti Eye Treatment

This specialized treatment involves bathing the eyes in a pool of ghee or herbalized ghee. Eyes are very sensitive to heat and tend to get dry very easily. Netra basti offers nutrition to the eyes and strengthens the optic nerve. This treatment is very effective for soothing dry eyes, far-sightedness, short-sightedness, stressed eyes, weak eyes due to constant watching TV or working on the laptop.

30 mins |  $80

21-Point Facial Marma Massage Therapy

Ayurvedic Face Massage is great for relieving stress, tension, rejuvenate your skin. It is very beneficial for increasing lymph flow for glowing skin. Marma points are the vital points on the body, which when stimulated help move prana (chi) and stagnated energy. Marma massage opens nadis, the channel in which life force flows, so we feel both relaxed and energized.

30 mins |  $60 

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“I have been seeing Asavari Manvikar for about 18 months. I had been diagnosed with Hidradenitis suppurativa. She suggested doing a panchakarma treatment. She was very patient in giving the instructions and followed up with me to understand how my body was responding.

After the treatment, my symptoms of Hidradenitis suppurativa have reduced drastically and I have lots of energy. My skin started glowing and my digestion has improved so much. Asavari Manvikar understands the patient's needs and drives them towards it.”


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